اثر محلولپاشی مواد ضدتنش و ضدتعرق بر عملکرد و برخی صفات مورفولوژیکی سویا در رژیمهای مختلف آبیاری

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عنوان دوره: سیزدهمین کنگره زراعت و اصلاح نباتات ایران
1داﻧﺸﺠﻮی دﻛﺘﺮای زراﻋﺖ ﮔﺮوه زراﻋﺖ و اﺻﻼح ﻧﺒﺎﺗﺎت داﻧﺸﻜﺪه ﻛﺸﺎورزی داﻧﺸﮕﺎه اروﻣﻴﻪ
2ﻋﻀﻮ ﻫﻴﺎت ﻋﻠﻤﻲ ﮔﺮوه زراﻋﺖ و اﺻﻼح ﻧﺒﺎﺗﺎت داﻧﺸﻜﺪه ﻛﺸﺎورزی داﻧﺸﮕﺎه اروﻣﻴﻪ
3عضو ﻫﻴﺎت ﻋﻠﻤﻲ ﮔﺮوه زراﻋﺖ و اﺻﻼح ﻧﺒﺎﺗﺎت داﻧﺸﻜﺪه ﻛﺸﺎورزی داﻧﺸﮕﺎه ﻣﺮاﻏﻪ
ﺑﻪ ﻣﻨﻈﻮر ﺑﺮرﺳﻲ اﺛﺮ ﻣﺤﻠﻮلﭘﺎﺷﻲ ﻣﻮاد ﺿﺪﺗﻨﺶ و ﺿﺪﺗﻌﺮق ﺑﺮ ﻋﻤﻠﻜﺮد و ﺑﺮﺧﻲ ﺻﻔﺎت ﻣﻮرﻓﻮﻟﻮژﻳﻜﻲ ﺳﻮﻳﺎ ﺗﺤﺖ رژﻳﻢﻫﺎی ﻣﺨﺘﻠﻒ آﺑﻴﺎری آزﻣﺎﻳﺸﻲ ﻃﻲ دو ﺳﺎل زراﻋﻲ 1390 و 1391 در ﻣﺰرﻋﻪ ﺗﺤﻘﻴﻘﺎﺗﻲ داﻧﺸﻜﺪه ﻛﺸﺎورزی داﻧﺸﮕﺎه ﻣﺮاﻏﻪ ﺑﻪ ﺻﻮرت اﺳﭙﻠﻴﺖ ﭘﻼت در ﻗﺎﻟﺐ ﻃﺮح ﺑﻠﻮکﻫﺎی ﻛﺎﻣﻞ ﺗﺼﺎدﻓﻲ در ﭼﻬﺎر ﺗﻜﺮار اﺟﺮا ﺷﺪ. ﺗﻴﻤﺎرﻫﺎی آزﻣﺎﻳﺸﻲ ﺷﺎﻣﻞ آﺑﻴﺎری ﭘﺲ از 40 ، 80 و 120 ﻣﻴﻠﻲﻣﺘﺮ ﺗﺒﺨﻴﺮ از ﺗﺸﺘﻚ ﺗﺒﺨﻴﺮ ﻛﻼس A ﺑﻪ ﻋﻨﻮان ﻛﺮتﻫﺎی اﺻﻠﻲ و ﻣﺤﻠﻮلﭘﺎﺷﻲ ﺑﺎ اﺳﺘﻔﺎده از ﻣﻮاد ﺿﺪﺗﻨﺶ و ﺿﺪﺗﻌﺮق ﺷﺎﻣﻞ ﻋﺪم ﻣﺤﻠﻮلﭘﺎﺷﻲ،ﻣﺤﻠﻮلﭘﺎﺷﻲ روﻏﻦ ﻛﺮﭼﻚ 1%، ﻣﺤﻠﻮلﭘﺎﺷﻲ ﺳﺎﻳﻜﻮﺳﻞ 500 ﭘﻲﭘﻲام، ﻣﺤﻠﻮلﭘﺎﺷﻲ ﺑﺎ ﻛﻮد Masraiz 450 ﭘﻲﭘﻲام و ﻣﺤﻠﻮلﭘﺎﺷﻲ ﺑﺎ ﻛﻮد Serval- Nk 450 ﭘﻲﭘﻲام( ﺑﻪ ﻋﻨﻮان ﻛﺮت ﻫﺎی ﻓﺮﻋﻲ در ﻧﻈﺮ ﮔﺮﻓﺘﻪ ﺷﺪﻧﺪ. ﻧﺘﺎﻳﺞ ﻧﺸﺎن داد ﻛﻪ اﺛﺮ رژﻳﻢﻫﺎی آﺑﻴﺎری ﺑﺮ ارﺗﻔﺎع ﺑﻮﺗﻪ،ﺗﻌﺪاد ﺑﺮگ و ﺗﻌﺪاد ﻏﻼف ﻣﻌﻨﻲدار ﺷﺪ، ﺑﻄﻮرﻳﻜﻪ ﺑﺮوز ﺗﻨﺶ ﻛﻢآﺑﻲ ﺑﺎﻋﺚ ﻛﺎﻫﺶ ﻣﻌﻨﻲدار اﻳﻦ ﺻﻔﺎت ﻧﺴﺒﺖ ﺑﻪ ﺷﺎﻫﺪ ﺷﺪ. از ﻧﻈﺮ ﺗﻌﺪاد ﺑﺮگ در ﺑﻮﺗﻪ ﺗﻤﺎﻣﻲ ﺗﻴﻤﺎرﻫﺎی ﻣﺤﻠﻮلﭘﺎﺷﻲ و از ﻧﻈﺮ ﺗﻌﺪاد ﻏﻼف در ﺑﻮﺗﻪ ﺳﺎﻳﻜﻮل، Masraize و Serval- Nk ﺑﺎﻋﺚ اﻓﺰاﻳﺶ ﻣﻌﻨﻲدار آﻧﻬﺎ ﻧﺴﺒﺖ ﺑﻪ ﺷﺎﻫﺪ ﺷﺪﻧﺪ. ﺑﻴﺸﺘﺮﻳﻦ )4288 ﻛﻴﻠﻮﮔﺮم در ﻫﻜﺘﺎر( و ﻛﻤﺘﺮﻳﻦ )1915 ﻛﻴﻠﻮﮔﺮم درﻫﻜﺘﺎر( ﻋﻤﻠﻜﺮد داﻧﻪ ﺳﻮﻳﺎ ﺑﻪﺗﺮﺗﻴﺐ در ﺗﻴﻤﺎرﻫﺎی آﺑﻴﺎری ﭘﺲ از 40 ﻣﻴﻠﻲﻣﺘﺮ ﺗﺒﺨﻴﺮ از ﺗﺸﺘﻚ و ﻣﺼﺮف ﻛﻮد Serval-Nk و آﺑﻴﺎری ﭘﺲ از 120 ﻣﻴﻠﻲﻣﺘﺮ ﺗﺒﺨﻴﺮ از ﺗﺸﺘﻚ ﺑﺪون ﻣﺤﻠﻮلﭘﺎﺷﻲ ﺑﻪدﺳﺖ آﻣﺪ.
کلیدواژه ها
Effect of anti-stress and anti-transpiration on yield and some morphological characteristics of soybean under different irrigation regimes
In order to study the effect of anti-stress and anti-transpiration materials on yield and some morphological characteristics of soybean under different irrigation regimes, two experiments were conducted as a split plot based on randomized complete block design with four replications during two cropping seasons of 2011 and 2012 at the experimental farm of University of Maraghe. The experimental treatments were irrigation regimes including irrigation after 40, 80 and 120 mm evaporation from “class A” pan, respectively as the main plots and foliar application of anti-stress and anti-transpirant including non-foliar application, castor oil 1%, 500 ppm cycocel, 450 ppm Masraiz and 450 ppm Serval- Nk as the subplots. Results showed that the effect of irrigation regimes on plant height, leaf and pod number per plant was significant, so that drought stress led to a significant reduction in those values compared to the control. From the standpoint of number of leaves on plant, all foliar application treatments and in the point of number of pods in plant, Cycocel, Masraiz and Serval-Nk increased values of these traits compared to control significantly. The highest (4288 kg/ha) and the lowest (1915 kg/ha) grain yield of soybean obtained from irrigation after 40 mm evaporation from pan and application of Serval-Nk and irrigation after 120 mm evaporation without foliar application, respectively.
In order to study the effect of anti-stress and anti-transpiration materials on yield and some morphological characteristics of soybean under different irrigation regimes, two experiments were conducted as a split plot based on randomized complete block design with four replications during two cropping seasons of 2011 and 2012 at the experimental farm of University of Maraghe. The experimental treatments were irrigation regimes including irrigation after 40, 80 and 120 mm evaporation from “class A” pan, respectively as the main plots and foliar application of anti-stress and anti-transpirant including non-foliar application, castor oil 1%, 500 ppm cycocel, 450 ppm Masraiz and 450 ppm Serval- Nk as the subplots. Results showed that the effect of irrigation regimes on plant height, leaf and pod number per plant was significant, so that drought stress led to a significant reduction in those values compared to the control. From the standpoint of number of leaves on plant, all foliar application treatments and in the point of number of pods in plant, Cycocel, Masraiz and Serval-Nk increased values of these traits compared to control significantly. The highest (4288 kg/ha) and the lowest (1915 kg/ha) grain yield of soybean obtained from irrigation after 40 mm evaporation from pan and application of Serval-Nk and irrigation after 120 mm evaporation without foliar application, respectively.
Anti-stress materials, Drought, Soybean, Yield