ﺗﺎﺛﻴﺮ ﺗﻐﻴﻴﺮات ﻋﻮاﻣﻞ آب وﻫﻮاﻳﻲ ﺑﺮ ﻋﻤﻠﻜﺮد ﮔﻨﺪم ( .Triticum aestivum L ) آﺑﻲ در اﺳﺘﺎنﻫﺎی ﺗﻬﺮان و اﻟﺒﺮز

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عنوان دوره: سیزدهمین کنگره زراعت و اصلاح نباتات ایران
1داﻧﺸﺠﻮی ﻛﺎرﺷﻨﺎﺳﻲ ارﺷﺪ ﮔﺮوه ﻛﺸﺎورزی اﻛﻮﻟﻮژﻳﻚ، ﭘﮋوﻫﺸﻜﺪه ﻋﻠﻮم ﻣﺤﻴﻄﻲ، داﻧﺸﮕﺎه ﺷﻬﻴﺪ ﺑﻬﺸﺘﻲ، ﺗﻬﺮان
2اﺳﺘﺎدﻳﺎرﮔﺮوه ﻛﺸﺎورزی اﻛﻮﻟﻮژﻳﻚ، ﭘﮋوﻫﺸﻜﺪه ﻋﻠﻮم ﻣﺤﻴﻄﻲ، داﻧﺸﮕﺎه ﺷﻬﻴﺪ ﺑﻬﺸﺘﻲ، ﺗﻬﺮان
ﺗﻐﻴﻴرات اﻗﻠﻴﻣﻲ درﻋﺼﺮ ﺣﺎﺿﺮ ﺑﻪﻋﻨﻮان ﻳﻜﻲ از ﻣﻬﻤﺘﺮﻳﻦ ﭼﺎﻟﺶﻫﺎی ﻛﺸﺎورزی، اﻫﻤﻴﺖ وﻳﮋهای را در ﻣﻴﺎن ﺗﺤﻘﻴﻘﺎت ﻋﻠﻤﻲ در ﺳﺮاﺳﺮ ﺟﻬﺎن ﺑﻪ ﺧﻮد اﺧﺘﺼﺎص داده اﺳﺖ. در اﻳﻦ راﺳﺘﺎ ﺗﺤﻘﻴﻘﻲ ﺑﻪ ﻣﻨﻈﻮر ﺑﺮرﺳﻲ اﺛﺮات ﺗﻐﻴﻴﺮات آب و ﻫﻮاﻳﻲ ﺑﺮ ﻋﻤﻠﻜﺮد ﮔﻨﺪم آﺑﻲ، ﺑﻪ ﻋﻨﻮان ﻣﻬﻤﺘﺮﻳﻦ ﻣﺤﺼﻮل زراﻋﻲ ﻛﺸﻮر در ﺷﻬﺮﺳﺘﺎنﻫﺎی ﺗﻬﺮان، ﻓﻴﺮوزﻛﻮه و ری واﻗﻊ در اﺳﺘﺎن ﺗﻬﺮان و ﻫﻤﭽﻨﻴﻦ اﺳﺘﺎن اﻟﺒﺮز ﻣﺠﻤﻮع ﺗﻤﺎﻣﻲ ﺷﻬﺮﺳﺘﺎنﻫﺎ( ﺻﻮرت ﮔﺮﻓﺖ. آﻣﺎر ﻣﺮﺑﻮط ﺑﻪ ﻋﻤﻠﻜﺮد ﮔﻨﺪم آﺑﻲ و ﭘﺎراﻣﺘﺮﻫﺎی ﻫﻮاﺷﻨﺎﺳﻲ ﺷﺎﻣﻞ ﺑﺎرﻧﺪﮔﻲ، درﺟﻪ ﺣﺮارتﻫﺎی ﻛﻤﻴﻨﻪ،ﺑﻴﺸﻴﻨﻪ و ﻣﻴﺎﻧﮕﻴﻦ روزاﻧﻪ از وزارت ﺟﻬﺎد ﻛﺸﺎورزی و ﺳﺎزﻣﺎن ﻫﻮاﺷﻨﺎﺳﻲ ﻛﺸﻮر ﺑﺮای دوره 20 ﺳﺎﻟﻪ 1369 اﻟﻲ 1389 ﺑﺮای ﺷﻬﺮﺳﺘﺎنﻫﺎی ﺗﻬﺮان،ری و اﺳﺘﺎن اﻟﺒﺮز و دوره 14 ﺳﺎﻟﻪ 1376 اﻟﻲ 1389 ﺑﺮای ﺷﻬﺮﺳﺘﺎن ﻓﻴﺮوزﻛﻮه ﺟﻤﻊآوری ﮔﺮدﻳﺪ. ﺑﺎ ﺗﻮﺟﻪ ﺑﻪ ﻧﺘﺎﻳﺞ ﺑﺪﺳﺖ آﻣﺪه، ﻣﻲﺗﻮان اﻇﻬﺎر داﺷﺖ ﻛﻪ ﻋﻤﻠﻜﺮد ﮔﻨﺪم در ﻣﻘﻴﺎس زﻣﺎﻧﻲ ﻣﺎﻫﻴﺎﻧﻪ در ﺷﻬﺮﺳﺘﺎنﻫﺎی ﻛﺮج و ری در ﻣﻬﺮ و اﺳﻔﻨﺪ، در ﺗﻬﺮان در ﺗﻴﺮ و اﺳﻔﻨﺪ و در ﻓﻴﺮوزﻛﻮه در اﺳﻔﻨﺪ و دی ﺑﺎ اﻛﺜﺮ ﻋﻮاﻣﻞ آب و ﻫﻮاﻳﻲ ذﻛﺮ ﺷﺪه ﻫﻤﺒﺴﺘﮕﻲ ﻣﻌﻨﻲداری را ﻧﺸﺎن داده اﺳﺖ. ﺑﻨﺎﺑﺮاﻳﻦ راﺑﻄﻪی ﺑﻴﻦ ﻋﻤﻜﺮد ﮔﻨﺪم آﺑﻲ ﺑﺎ ﻣﻴﺎﻧﮕﻴﻦ درﺟﻪ ﺣﺮارتﻫﺎی ﻛﻤﻴﻨﻪ، ﺑﻴﺸﻴﻨﻪ و روزاﻧﻪ در اﺳﻔﻨﺪ ﻣﺎه ﻧﺴﺒﺖ ﺑﻪ ﺳﺎﻳﺮ ﻣﺎهﻫﺎ ﻣﺜﺒﺖﺗﺮ ﻣﻲﺑﺎﺷﺪ. از ﻃﺮف دﻳﮕﺮ، ﺑﻴﻦ ﻋﻤﻠﻜﺮد و ﭘﺎراﻣﺘﺮﻫﺎی آب و ﻫﻮاﻳﻲ در ﻣﻘﻴﺎس ﺳﺎﻟﻴﺎﻧﻪ و ﻓﺼﻠﻲ در اﻛﺜﺮ ﻣﻮارد ﻫﻴﭻ ﮔﻮﻧﻪ راﺑﻄﻪی ﻣﻌﻨﻲداری دﻳﺪه ﻧﺸﺪ.
کلیدواژه ها
The effect of weather variables on wheat yield (Triticum aestivum L.) in Tehran and Alborz provinces
Climate change is recognized as one of the most challenging aspects of today's agriculture, and it is gaining momentum in research field worldwide. This survey was conducted to evaluate the effects of weather variability on irrigated wheat in Tehran (Tehran, Ray and Firouzkouh counties) and Alborz provinces. Data included grain yield and weather variables (maximum, minimum and daily mean temperatures) of the study sites bracketing 1990 and 2010 except for Firouzkouh which covered 13 year period bracketing 1997 and 2010. Results on monthly basis indicated that Karaj and Ray counties showed the highest relationship between yield and weather variables in October and February, while in Tehran it was revealed that wheat yield had high association with weather conditions of June and February. Similar relationship was observed between February and January weather factors with wheat yield in Firouzkouh. In conclusion, February had the highest association with grain yield in terms of weather variables studied.
Climate Change, wheat, weather variables, Yield