ﺮرﺳﻲ اﺛﺮ ﺑﺮﻫﻢﻛﻨﺶ ﺗﻨﺶ ﺧﺸﻜﻲ و ﭘﻴﺶﺗﻴﻤﺎر ﺳﺎﻟﻴﺴﻴﻠﻴﻚ اﺳﻴﺪ ﺑﺮ رﺷﺪ روﻳﺸﻲ ﮔﻴﺎه داروﻳﻲ ﺳﻴﺎﻫﺪاﻧﻪ(Nigella sativa L)

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عنوان دوره: سیزدهمین کنگره زراعت و اصلاح نباتات ایران
1داﻧﺸﺠﻮی ﻛﺎرﺷﻨﺎﺳﻲ ارﺷﺪ، ﮔﺮوه زراﻋﺖ و اﺻﻼح ﻧﺒﺎﺗﺎت، داﻧﺸﻜﺪه ﻛﺸﺎورزی، داﻧﺸﮕﺎه زابل
2ﻋﻀﻮ ﻫﻴﺎت ﻋﻠﻤﻲ، ﮔﺮوه زراﻋﺖ و اﺻﻼح ﻧﺒﺎﺗﺎت، داﻧﺸﻜﺪه ﻛﺸﺎورزی، داﻧﺸﮕﺎه ﺷﻬﻴﺪ ﺑﺎ ﻫﻨﺮ ﻛﺮﻣﺎن
اﻳﻦ ﺗﺤﻘﻴﻖ ﺑﻪ ﻣﻨﻈﻮر ﺑﺮرﺳﻲ اﺛﺮات ﺗﻨﺶ ﺧﺸﻜﻲ و ﭘﻴﺶ ﺗﻴﻤﺎر ﺑﺬور ﺳﻴﺎﻫﺪاﻧﻪ ﺑﺎ ﺳﺎﻟﻴﺴﻴﻠﻴﻚ اﺳﻴﺪ ﺑﺮ رﺷﺪ روﻳﺸﻲ ﮔﻴﺎه داروﻳﻲ ﺳﻴﺎﻫﺪاﻧﻪ در ﮔﻠﺨﺎﻧﻪ ﺗﺤﻘﻴﻘﺎﺗﻲ داﻧﺸﻜﺪه ﻛﺸﺎورزی داﻧﺸﮕﺎه ﺷﻬﻴﺪ ﺑﺎﻫﻨﺮ ﻛﺮﻣﺎن در ﭘﺎﻳﻴﺰ ﺳﺎل 1392، ﺑﺮ اﺳﺎس ﻃﺮح ﻓﺎﻛﺘﻮرﻳﻞ در ﻗﺎﻟﺐ ﺑﻠﻮکﻫﺎی ﻛﺎﻣﻞ ﺗﺼﺎدﻓﻲ در ﺳﻪ ﺗﻜﺮار اﻧﺠﺎم ﺷﺪ. ﻓﺎﻛﺘﻮر اول ﺳﻄﻮح ﺗﻨﺶ ﺧﺸﻜﻲ ﺷﺎﻣﻞ: ﺑﺪون ﺗﻨﺶ ﻇﺮﻓﻴﺖ زراﻋﻲ(، ﺗﻨﺶ ﻣﺘﻮﺳﻂ ) 75%
ﻇﺮﻓﻴﺖ زراﻋﻲ( و ﺗﻨﺶ ﺷﺪﻳﺪ و ﻓﺎﻛﺘﻮر دﻳﮕﺮ 4 ﻏﻠﻈﺖ ﺳﺎﻟﻴﺴﻴﻠﻴﻚ اﺳﻴﺪ ﺷﺎﻣﻞ: ﺻﻔﺮ ﻣﻴﻠﻲ ﻣﻮﻻر )ﻫﻴﺪروﭘﺮاﻳﻤﻴﻨﮓ ﺑﺎ آب ﻣﻘﻄﺮ(، 0,25 ﻣﻴﻠﻲ ﻣﻮﻻر، 0,75 ﻣﻴﻠﻲ ﻣﻮﻻر و 1 ﻣﻴﻠﻲ ﻣﻮﻻر ﺳﺎﻟﻴﺴﻴﻠﻴﻚ اﺳﻴﺪ، ﺟﻬﺖ ﭘﺮاﻳﻤﻴﻨﮓ ﺑﺬور ﺳﻴﺎﻫﺪاﻧﻪ
ﺑﻮد. ﻧﺘﺎﻳﺞ آزﻣﺎﻳﺶ ﻧﺸﺎن داد ﻛﻪ ﺗﻨﺶ ﺧﺸﻜﻲ اﺛﺮ ﻣﻌﻨﻲ داری )p ( ﺑﺮ ﺗﻌﺪاد ﺑﺮگ، ﺳﻄﺢ ﺑﺮگ، ارﺗﻔﺎع ﺑﻮﺗﻪ، ﻣﺤﺘﻮای ﻧﺴﺒﻲ آب
ﺑﺮگ و وزن ﺗﺮ و ﺧﺸﻚ اﻧﺪام ﮔﻴﺎﻫﻲ دارد. ﻫﻤﭽﻨﻴﻦ ﺳﺎﻟﻴﺴﻴﻠﻴﻚ اﺳﻴﺪ ﺗﺎﺛﻴﺮ ﻣﻌﻨﻲداری )p ( ﺑﺮ ارﺗﻔﺎع ﺑﻮﺗﻪ، ﺗﻌﺪاد ﺑﺮگ، ﺳﻄﺢ ﺑﺮگ، ﻣﺤﺘﻮای ﻧﺴﺒﻲ آب ﺑﺮگ و وزن ﺧﺸﻚ اﻧﺪام ﻫﻮاﻳﻲ داﺷﺖ. اﻣﺎ در اﻳﻦ ﺗﺤﻘﻴﻖ ﺳﺎﻟﻴﺴﻴﻠﻴﻚ اﺳﻴﺪ اﺛﺮ ﻣﻌﻨﻲداری ﺑﺮ وزن ﺗﺮ اﻧﺪام ﻫﻮاﻳﻲ ﻧﺪاﺷﺖ. ﻫﻤﭽﻨﻴﻦ اﺛﺮ ﻣﺘﻘﺎﺑﻞ ﺳﺎﻟﻴﺴﻴﻠﻴﻚ اﺳﻴﺪ و ﺗﻨﺶ ﺧﺸﻜﻲ ﺑﺮ ﺻﻔﺎت ﻣﻮرد ﺑﺮرﺳﻲ ﻏﻴﺮﻣﻌﻨﻲدار ﺑﻮد.
کلیدواژه ها
the Effect of drought stress and priming with salicylic acid on growth and morphological properties of Black cumin ( Nigella sativa L)
To study the effect of drought stress and priming with salicylic acid on growth and development morphological of black cumin ( Nigella sativa L.), a greenhouse experiment was conducted at college of Agriculture, Shahid Bahonar university of kerman in the autumn of the 2013. The experiment was conducted as a factorial based on randomized complete block design with three replications. The first factor was drought stress that included in three levels: no tension (90% field capacity), moderate tension (75% field capacity) and severe tension (50% field capacity). The other factor was included 4 concentrations of salicylic acid : 0 mm (hydro priming with distilled water), 0.25 mm, 0.75 mm and 1 mm salicylic acid for priming the seeds of black cumin. The results of this research showed that the drought stress on the number of leaves, leaf area index, the height of stem, the relative water content (RWC), dry weight of the plant and the fresh weight of the plant was significant. The effect of the salicylic acid on the height of the stem, the number of the leaves, leaf area index, (RWC) and dry weight of plant was significant. But In this research the effect of salicylic acid on the fresh weight of the plant was not significant and the effect of interaction of salicylic acid and drought stress was not significant .
drought stress, salicylic acid, black cumin (Nigella sativa L.), Vegetative properties of medical plant