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عنوان دوره: سیزدهمین کنگره زراعت و اصلاح نباتات ایران
1داﻧﺶ آﻣﻮﺧﺘﻪ ﻛﺎرﺷﻨﺎﺳﻲ ارﺷﺪ ﮔﻴﺎﻫﺎن داروﻳﻲ، داﻧﺸﮕﺎه آزاد اﺳﻼﻣﻲ، واﺣﺪ داﻣﻐﺎن، ﮔﺮوه ﻛﺸﺎورزی، داﻣﻐﺎن، اﻳﺮان
2اﺳﺘﺎدﻳﺎر و ﻋﻀﻮ ﻫﻴﺎت ﻋﻠﻤﻲ ﻣﻮﺳﺴﻪ ﺗﺤﻘﻴﻘﺎت ﭘﻨﺒﻪ ﻛﺸﻮر، ﮔﺮﮔﺎن، اﻳﺮان
3اﺳﺘﺎدﻳﺎر و ﻋﻀﻮ ﻫﻴﺎت ﻋﻠﻤﻲ داﻧﺸﮕﺎه آزاد اﺳﻼﻣﻲ، واﺣﺪ داﻣﻐﺎن،ﮔﺮوه ﻛﺸﺎورزی، داﻣﻐﺎن، اﻳﺮان
ﺟﻨﺲ Lippia دارای ﺑﻴﺶ از 200 ﮔﻮﻧﻪ اﺳﺖ ﻛﻪ در اﻳﻦ ﺑﻴﻦ ﮔﻮﻧﻪ Lippia citriodora Lدارای ارزش ﺑﺎﻻی داروﻳﻲ ﻣﻲﺑﺎﺷﺪ و اﻣﺮوزه اﻳﻦ ﮔﻴﺎه ﺑﻪ دﻟﻴﻞ اﻫﻤﻴﺖ ﻓﺮاوان اﻗﺘﺼﺎدی در ﺻﻨﺎﻳﻊ ﻏﺬاﻳﻲ، داروﺳﺎزی و ﻋﻄﺮﺳﺎزی در ﺷﻤﺎل اﻳﺮان ﻛﺸﺖ و ﻛﺎر ﻣﻲﺷﻮد و ﮔﻮﻧﻪ ﻫﺎی ﺑﻮﻣﻲ ﻧﻴﺰ از ﺟﻨﺲ Lippia در ﻣﻨﺎﻃﻖ ﮔﺮﻣﺴﻴﺮی و ﻧﻴﻤﻪ ﮔﺮﻣﺴﻴﺮی ﻛﺸﻮر وﺟﻮد دارد. ﺑﺪﻳﻦ ﻣﻨﻈﻮر ﭘﮋﻮﻫﺶ ﺣﺎﺿﺮ در ﻗﺎﻟﺐ ﻃﺮح ﺑﻠﻮکﻫﺎی ﻛﺎﻣﻞ ﺗﺼﺎدﻓﻲ ﺑﺎ ﭼﻬﺎر ﺗﻜﺮار ﺑﺮای ﻣﺸﺨﺺ ﻛﺮدن ﺑﻬﺘﺮﻳﻦ ﺗﻴﻤﺎر از ﺑﻴﻦ ﭼﻬﺎر ﺳﻄﺢ ﻛﻮدی ﻣﺨﺘﻠﻒ ﺷﺎﻣﻞ ﺻﻔﺮ، 50 و 100 ﻛﻴﻠﻮﮔﺮم در ﻫﻜﺘﺎر ازت و دوز ﺳﻪ در ﻫﺰار NPK ﺑﺮ روی ﺻﻔﺎت ﻣﻮرﻓﻮﻟﻮژﻳﻜﻲ و ﻣﻴﺰان ﻋﻤﻠﻜﺮد ﮔﻴﺎه ﺑﻪﻟﻴﻤﻮ اﻧﺠﺎم ﺷﺪ. ﻧﺘﺎﻳﺞ آﻧﺎﻟﻴﺰ وارﻳﺎﻧﺲ اﺧﺘﻼف ﻣﻌﻨﻲداری را در ﺳﻄﺢ اﺣﺘﻤﺎل 5 درﺻﺪ ﺑﺮای ﺻﻔﺖ ﺗﻌﺪاد ﺷﺎﺧﻪﻫﺎی ﺟﺎﻧﺒﻲ ﺑﻴﻦ ﺗﻴﻤﺎرﻫﺎی ﻣﻮرد ﺑﺮرﺳﻲ ﻧﺸﺎن دادﻧﺪ وﻟﻲ ﺑﺮای ﺻﻔﺎت ارﺗﻔﺎع ﺑﻮﺗﻪ، ﺗﻌﺪاد ﻣﻴﺎﻧﮕﺮه، ﺳﻄﺢ ﺑﺮگ، وزن ﺗﺮ، وزن ﺧﺸﻚ، درﺻﺪ وزن ﺧﺸﻚ و وزن اﺳﺎﻧﺲ اﺧﺘﻼف ﻣﻌﻨﻲداری ﻣﺸﺎﻫﺪه ﻧﺸﺪ. ﺑﺮاﺳﺎس ﻣﻘﺎﻳﺴﻪ ﻣﻴﺎﻧﮕﻴﻦ دادهﻫﺎ ﺑﺎ اﺳﺘﻔﺎده از آزﻣﻮن LSD، ﺗﻴﻤﺎر 100 ﻛﻴﻠﻮﮔﺮم در ﻫﻜﺘﺎر ازت ﺑﺎ ﻣﻴﺎﻧﮕﻴﻦ 11/6 ﻋﺪد ﺷﺎﺧﻪ ﺟﺎﻧﺒﻲ ﻣﻨﺎﺳﺐﺗﺮ از ﺑﻘﻴﻪ ﺗﻴﻤﺎرﻫﺎ ﺑﻮد، وﻟﻲ ﺗﻴﻤﺎرﻫﺎی ﻛﻮدی ﺷﺎﻫﺪ ﺑﺪون ﻛﻮد( و NPK ﺑﻪﺗﺮﺗﻴﺐ ﺑﺎ 9/4 و 8/9 ﻋﺪد ﺑﻪﻃﻮر ﻣﻌﻨﻲ داری ﻣﻘﺪار ﺷﺎﺧﻪ ﻛﻤﺘﺮی ﺗﻮﻟﻴﺪ ﻛﺮدﻧﺪ. در ﻣﺠﻤﻮع، ﻛﻮد ازﺗﻪ ﻧﺴﺒﺖ ﺑﻪ NPK از ﻗﺎﺑﻠﻴﺖ ﺑﻬﺘﺮی ﺑﺮﺧﻮردار ﺑﻮد و در ﺑﻴﻦ دو ﺗﻴﻤﺎر ﻛﻮدی ازﺗﻪ ﻧﻴﺰ 50 ﻛﻴﻠﻮﮔﺮم در ﻫﻜﺘﺎر در ﺑﻴﻦ ﺻﻔﺎت ﻣﻮرﻓﻮﻟﻮژﻳﻜﻲ و وزن اﺳﺎﻧﺲ از ﺗﺮاز ﺑﺎﻻﺗﺮی ﺑﺮﺧﻮردار ﺑﻮد.
کلیدواژه ها
The Effects of different fertilizer treatments on the morphological characteristics and production content in Lippia plant
Genus Lippia contains about 200 species and has a high medicinal and herbal value. It is the crop in terms of area and production in north of Iran because of economical value in the industries of food, medicine and aromatics. This genus is native to the tropical and subtropical regions of the country. To evaluate the effect of fertilizers on morphological traits and production contents in lemon plant, the experiment was conducted factorial in the base of complete randomized block design with four replications in the Gorgan city. Fertilizers treatment were four concentration of nitrogen (0, 50 and 100 kg/ha) and NPK (3: 1000). The results of the variance analysis showed significant differences in the number of lateral branches (P<0.05), but There weren’t any main differences on plant height, number of internodes, leaf area, fresh and dry weight, dry weight and essential oils percentage. Based on mean square comparison (LSD), 100 kg/ha nitrogen had better effect on lateral branches (11.6) than other treatments, also control (no fertilizer) and NPK treatments had lower branches (respectively 9.4 and 8.9). In general, N fertilizers had higher capability than NPK and between two nitrogen treatments, 50 kg/ha N fertilizer had a higher level between morphological traits and essential oil.
Essential oil, medicinal plant, Lippia citriodora, N fertilizer, NPK